Thursday, April 3, 2008

Question 8 & 9: Assessment Acitivity

I will be talking about the citations i used within my research - argumentative paper.

8. The way in which citations worked in my research - argumemtative paper was to basically prove that i wasn't using someone else's information as my own thoughts. I used such citation to help back up my proposition. for example, i chose to argue whether cell phone use should be banned from vehicles entirely or if hand held devices should be allowed. In my firs paragraph, i talked about the potential fatalities cell phone use could cause. In order to make such a point stand out, i used an automobile death newspaper article from quebec. After i used the story from the newspaper, i put "quebec" in paranthesis. In doing so, it gives the author of the article credit and gives me as the author, a strong supporting detail.

9. Hence i used my argumentative paper as my example for question 8, i will just broaden my reasoning within this question. For an argument, the author needs strong facts to please his audience. Instead of just putting random facts into a paragraph, it is important for the author to notify when a source of authentification is necessary. When using the phrases, "according to jim turner" or "George bush said..." it is important to notify where such quotes came from. It is not a pleasent idea to lead the audience to thinking that he actually heard such a quote. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, especially in an argumentative paper's case, citation is so important to prevent plaigirism!

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