Monday, April 7, 2008

Thoughts about the class

I still enjoy the whole idea on having class on tuesday then doing blog assignments on thursdays. Though in my opinion, i would have class on some thursdays...especially when its around the time when a major paper is due. There will always be questions asked right before the paper's due. So, that thursdayy class could just be a questionare process. According to future 1050 students i would say depending on the teacher, they will have a lot of freedom towards their writing and just the right amount work load or they may have the complete opposite. Just stay on top of things and you'll be just fine!

April 22

I am done with all my other finals monday, april 21 so I am free to pick up portfolios whenever. Though i would like to meet sometime in the morning or early afternoon.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Question 11: Assessment Activity

Once again, i will use my ethnography project for this question.

For this particular project, i used a lot of imagery features within my writing; and as I'm reading over my paper, i am realizing that i used the "-" quite frequently. Some examples would be, "Of course, there are those who just seem to pick an outfit out from the darkness of their closets – it’s like we’re heading back to the eighties or early nineties!", "Ironically, right next to this giddy group is the emo or scene type of kids. These particular geeks have one ear occupied with a headphone at all times. They cannot get enough of their metal, hardcore, or screamo –let’s slit our wrists types of music." or "Indeed band geeks have become a phenomenon within the educational habitat, but band geeks perform an impeccable talent that makes a bold statement – the beauty of music." Using so many hyphens i believe, helped my paper become more lively. The phrases following the hyphens allowed me to put in an extra two sense and to create a more vivid picture or to elaborate more on what im trying to explain, etc, etc.

I have some decent use of parallelism in my paper as well. For example, "In being a band geek, I have witnessed and have created my very own stereotypes towards my people." Using parallelism in my paper helps keep everything in order.

I have never really had that many problems with the use of pronouns. For example, "The first genre can be conquered by the extreme band geeks (band is the beating heart). These band geeks live, eat, sleep, and could possibly die along – side their instruments." It is important to have proper pronoun structure so when the audience is reading a paper, he or she can determine the subject(s) of the sentence and what he, she, or they are doing. It keeps the audience on track and not confused.

Question 10: Assessment Activity

The grammar concept i think that i have grasped and improved on the most (well hopefully) is the parallelism structure of a sentence.

In order to improve on this particular grammatical aspect, i did plenty of worksheets during my english class. It was always helpful and useful when we went over these exercises together as a class. It allowed me to see what mistakes that I was making and it allowed me to see what mistakes my fellow students were making. It was also very helpful to have even more practice through this blog. While my parallism isn't perfect, i still believe that i have improved on this particular aspect.

Question 8 & 9: Assessment Acitivity

I will be talking about the citations i used within my research - argumentative paper.

8. The way in which citations worked in my research - argumemtative paper was to basically prove that i wasn't using someone else's information as my own thoughts. I used such citation to help back up my proposition. for example, i chose to argue whether cell phone use should be banned from vehicles entirely or if hand held devices should be allowed. In my firs paragraph, i talked about the potential fatalities cell phone use could cause. In order to make such a point stand out, i used an automobile death newspaper article from quebec. After i used the story from the newspaper, i put "quebec" in paranthesis. In doing so, it gives the author of the article credit and gives me as the author, a strong supporting detail.

9. Hence i used my argumentative paper as my example for question 8, i will just broaden my reasoning within this question. For an argument, the author needs strong facts to please his audience. Instead of just putting random facts into a paragraph, it is important for the author to notify when a source of authentification is necessary. When using the phrases, "according to jim turner" or "George bush said..." it is important to notify where such quotes came from. It is not a pleasent idea to lead the audience to thinking that he actually heard such a quote. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, especially in an argumentative paper's case, citation is so important to prevent plaigirism!

Question 6 & 7: Assessment Activity

I chose the topic of the US economy crisis.

For the physical aspect, i would try and meet with some of the economic/business professors on this campus and maybe even attempt to talk to some higher officials of the kalamazoo community like the treasurer, etc, etc. Digitally, i would try and visit a specific business - like site where i cuold have a live chat with major corporate officials or with someone who really knows his or her economic stuff. also, i would go to the The Economists' website, etc, etc. So obviously the internet, business magazines, the economy section of the newspaper, the daily local and national news, tv shows, etc, etc could help immensely on this topic.

As for the certain text that should be included for this particular topic, it really depends. Hence we're focusing on the crisis aspect of the economy, it would be a good idea to talk about Michigan's economy, the inreased percentage rate of job lay offs, the constant changeds of the stock range, the inflated gas prices. Most importantly, i think it is crutial to incorporate the text about how our economy has become in such a deep hole. from there, the author could possibly draw some conclusions.

On terms of sources, i would stay away from the common websites like yahoo, google, wkipedia, etc, etc. It would be wise to hit up the encyclopedia's that keep track of all the economic facts in all states particularly in michigan. Possibly even history books to go from one the first core definition of the US's economic stance to what it has become today. Plus, use all the other sources that i described in the first paragraph of question 6.


Question 5: Assessment Activity

The topic that i chose is a love letter.

The tools i would use in order to efficiently construct a love letter would obviously have to be some type of paper that has a lovey - dovey type of design to it as the border - ya know, that stuff you can find at hallmark, borders, or barnes and nobles. I could either write the letter in a nice and smoot gell - balled pen just to make it more person. For the sense of media, to really show my true love to that special someone, i would cut out letters or the appropriate words ffrom a magazine or newspaper to spell out my true feelings. Mind you, that my audience would consist of all other couples that are deeply in love or are those who want to really reach out to that special someone. But instead of a actual letter, i may just write a romantic poem, or write a letter consisting of all different variations of lyrics. But of course, in order for the whole lyrical note to work, the audience would have to consist of the more "musically informed" audience - ya know, teen to young adult ages.