Thursday, April 3, 2008

Question 11: Assessment Activity

Once again, i will use my ethnography project for this question.

For this particular project, i used a lot of imagery features within my writing; and as I'm reading over my paper, i am realizing that i used the "-" quite frequently. Some examples would be, "Of course, there are those who just seem to pick an outfit out from the darkness of their closets – it’s like we’re heading back to the eighties or early nineties!", "Ironically, right next to this giddy group is the emo or scene type of kids. These particular geeks have one ear occupied with a headphone at all times. They cannot get enough of their metal, hardcore, or screamo –let’s slit our wrists types of music." or "Indeed band geeks have become a phenomenon within the educational habitat, but band geeks perform an impeccable talent that makes a bold statement – the beauty of music." Using so many hyphens i believe, helped my paper become more lively. The phrases following the hyphens allowed me to put in an extra two sense and to create a more vivid picture or to elaborate more on what im trying to explain, etc, etc.

I have some decent use of parallelism in my paper as well. For example, "In being a band geek, I have witnessed and have created my very own stereotypes towards my people." Using parallelism in my paper helps keep everything in order.

I have never really had that many problems with the use of pronouns. For example, "The first genre can be conquered by the extreme band geeks (band is the beating heart). These band geeks live, eat, sleep, and could possibly die along – side their instruments." It is important to have proper pronoun structure so when the audience is reading a paper, he or she can determine the subject(s) of the sentence and what he, she, or they are doing. It keeps the audience on track and not confused.

1 comment:

Andrea Stemaly said...

You really like discussing your Ethnography paper!:)
I particularly like the use of blogger as a basis for the genre discussion-well done (to use one of your dramatic dashes).
You've provided good detail and insight with each of your responses, so your grade for this assignment is 50/50.